The research starts from the social phenomenon taken as the object of study, the "mototaxismo", with respect to this one that has appeared not only in the citadel of freedom but in other parts of the city of Cúcuta, also exist in this place people For which mototaxis is a source of income and in most cases the only source of income; But what concerns the research project is the social approach.
The investigation is concerned with publicizing the means of illegal transportation demonstrating its advantages and disadvantages, we will demonstrate the impact that mototaxismo has on the community of the citadel of freedom.


According to the Decree 4125 of 2008, issued by the Ministry of Transport, mototaxismo is only allowed in cities with a population of less than 50,000 inhabitants. Our research problem is centered in the citadel of freedom of the city of Cúcuta as is the mototaxismo. , Through legally constituted companies or cooperatives, among which is not, by its size, Cúcuta.
Those who perform this illegal service have desperate urban transport companies. As a result of this problem, they called on the transit authorities to prevent this illegal activity as a means of mass transportation, as it does not offer any guarantee and safety to users.
Although this modality of transportation has not yet been regulated, the activity became so important in the city that several families derive their livelihood from this initiative.


Demonstrating the existence of the problem of motortaxism in the city of Cúcuta (citadel of freedom), we will investigate the impact of mototaxismo in the community of the citadel of freedom.


• Show who are affected and beneficiaries of this means of transport.

• Conduct interviews with people who can give us information about the research work.

• Consult the advantages and disadvantages of the mototaxis problem in the citadel of freedom.

• Clarify doubts about why people perform this illegal service.


The mototaxismo is not an exclusive problem of the city of Cúcuta. In Colombia, this type of illegal transport has been generated for more than 15 years. Motorcycles, according to Law 336 of 1996, are cataloged in the framework of private use and therefore should not be considered for public transport. In this sense, the activity of mototaxis is considered illegal. And although this modality of transport has not yet been regulated, the activity took so much boom in the city, that several families derive their sustenance from this initiative. Although 'camouflaged', through the streets of Cúcuta of the citadel of freedom circulate more than 350 motorcycles that offer the service of mototaxi.
The mototaxismo, for the experts, presents two great disadvantages for the user:
• It is dangerous: In terms of accident, it is proven that motorcycle transport is very risky and, besides, it does not offer insurance of any kind.
• It is illegal: So many people provide this service, there is still no law to allow the mototaxi to operate. You could become a prisoner if you use it!


The means of transport from years ago have facilitated the transfer of people from one place to another, every day has been creating new means to make this move is more comfortable and fast for the community since the day to day requires it . The rhythm of life of the population demands more and more rapidity in the development of daily activities. In the same way, the means of transport have been adequate to the community to which they are directed, taking into account aspects such as the climate and the extension of the place, that is why in the city of Cúcuta we find different means of transport such as buses, taxis , And now the mototaxi.
Like all means of transport, mototaxismo is a means of transport that has facilitated the movement of the inhabitants of the city of Cúcuta, since it presents advantages like the speed, efficiency, economy and comfort, since unlike the Buses, motorcycle taxis take the customer to their destination, but not to the route that must travel as do the buses. On the other hand the economy that represents the mototaxi for the inhabitants of Cúcuta is one of the most significant advantages since, due to the difficult economic situation to which the great part of the community is submitted, it seeks to reduce the cost of living And "tighten the pocket" being then much cheaper to pay a motorcycle taxi driver who charges three times less than a taxi driver charges.


Although the advantages of motorcycle riding have helped many residents of the community, there is also the counterpart in which is mainly the highest risk of an accident, although it is met with the use of a case, a motorcycle is more likely To suffer major accidents, since the user is exposed to the blow openly, while in the other means of transport such as buses or taxis, the user is in a closed part which would help avoid serious shocks. The accident in this type of transport is assumed by the user since the mototaxismo is not legal, the driver does not respond for the consequences of these accidents, and it is known of cases in which the driver has escaped leaving only the user of This transportation.
Similarly, there is also hygiene since the use of a helmet implies that the user is exposed to the contagion of lice or discomfort that another person may have in his head and when used by several people at the same time, would be a massive contagion Of the same disease.
Violence and abuse against the passenger, although many people claim that a motorcycle taxi driver could take him to another side to steal, kidnap, violate it among other abuses that may present to passengers in the use of this illegal transport in which Can not complain because there is no central who reports the driver who is providing this service or there is no control who leads the route.

Desperate transporters But the proliferation of this service has desperate urban transport companies.
 "We call on the transit authorities to prevent this illegal activity as a means of mass transit, as it does not offer any guarantee and safety to users," said Roberto Barón, president of Unibus S.A.
The taxi drivers sympathized with this guild. Although they think that direct competition is not with them.
 "But if we start to touch the pockets we will have to close the streets so that the authorities hear us, even though we have been in peaceful protest," said the driver of the taxi company R.T.I. Luis Antonio Rivera

Despite the complaints from the drivers, the Cúcuta Transit Secretary, Martin Ricardo Rincón, said that mototaxismo has not been implemented in Cúcuta.
 "There were some people who got legal status and are trying to include unsuspecting people, but the service is not providing it," he said.

Sandra Rodriguez says:
 "I got to work faster thanks to the mototaxis, that's why I use this service"
Many of its neighbors in the Torcoroma neighborhood, located in the Ciudadela La Libertad, in the southeast of Cúcuta, also became customers of the motorized group.
 "Most are looking for speed and economy in service. That's why we prefer them more than busetas, who sometimes delay in passing and some of the drivers are very abrupt with passengers, "confessed Laura Ariza.
In the city there has been confusion about the legality of this informal transport guild, as mototaxis have created associations with legal status. However, the same mototaxistas admit that they do work illegally in the city.
Owen Cobo, manager of the Association of Mototaxistas of La Libertad, acknowledged that his informal activity had not been legalized by the Government, but justified it in the absence of direct employment.
"As long as we comply with safety standards, we have the papers up to date and we respect the law, we can work, because it is a fundamental right and the sustenance of our families," said Cobo, who said they will continue to do so despite criticism and To the dissatisfaction of the formal carriers.

When seeing the magnitude of the problem of motortaxis, the question arises as to why these people carry out this means of transportation if they know that it is illegal and they are subject to any accident or until the police in checkpoints remove their vehicles for breaking the rules.
We conducted an interview Isabel wolf who has been working this work for two years, technologist in systems with 35 years of age for lack of employment is dedicated to this, she replied:
"With my motorcycle AutecoActiv 110, black and red, is my only tool and hope to work, I do not see myself in the 50 or 60 years on a motorcycle doing this, but what I do more is the only thing with what I can Earn honest money, and with what I have brought my two daughters forward, the lack of work and opportunities forces one to perform this trade, but I dream of something better "
A clear answer that gives us as a conclusion that perform this illegal work because of the need and lack of opportunities in the city.


• I could conclude that this is an illegal means of transport, it affects the prosperity of the public service in our city, perhaps people use it because they believe it is faster and cheaper but they do not take into account the risks that can acquire when using this means this means .

• It is important to define mass transport models that are effective and that, in addition to guaranteeing the quality of the service for mobilizing citizens, respond to the objectives of urban development

• All these people perform mototaxismo because of the need and lack of opportunities in the city.


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